Style Play operating mode
Page 21 - Style controls: Wrap Around / Keyboard Range
In this page you can program the Wrap Around function and
the Keyboard Range for the Style tracks.
Here is the edit procedure:
1. Use the VOLUME/VALUE (A-H) buttons to select a
2. Use the F1-F4 buttons to move the cursor between the
parameter and its status or value.
3. Use the TEMPO/VALUE controls to change the parame-
ter’s status or value.
Prog (Program)
This parameter lets you select a different Program, other than
the one recorded into the Style Element (Variations, Fills,
Intros, Endings).
Note: This parameter is automatically set to On each time you
assign a Program to any of the Style tracks, either from the front
panel or via MIDI.
Original Style tracks always use the original Programs.
If you assign a different Program to a Style
track, it may be reset to the original one when
selecting a different Style Element.
On You can assign different Programs to each Style
track, and save them in a Performance or Style
Performance. This becomes the only track’s
Program for all Style Elements.
W (Wrap Around)
The wrap-around point is the highest register limit for the
backing track. The accompaniment patterns will be trans-
posed according to the detected chord. If the chord is too
high, the Style tracks might play in a register that is too high,
and therefore unnatural. If, however, it reaches the wrap-
around point, it will be automatically transposed an octave
The wrap-around point can be set for each track in semitone
steps up to a maximum of 12 semitones, relative to the chord
root. This value will be the interval between the key specified
by the Style Element and the wrap-around point.
1…12 Maximum transposition (in semitones) of the
track, referred to the original key of the pat-
KR (Keyboard Range)
This parameter is an on/off switch for the Key Range param-
eter memorized into the Style.
Or(iginal) The Keyboard Range is used. When a track
goes over the lower or higher limit set by this
(hidden) parameter, it is transposed, to play
into the programmed range.
Off No Keyboard Range used.
This page lets you select a different sound or function for
each of the four PAD buttons.
Each of the four PAD buttons. See “List of sounds assignable
to the Pads” on page 226 and “List of functions assignable to
the Pads” on page 227.
Note: Function names are preceded by an asterisk (*)
Volume for each of the four Pad tracks.
Pan for each of the four Pad tracks.
-64 Fully Left.
00 Centered.
+63 Fully Right.
C Send
Send level to the C Internal FX processor (usually reverb) for
each of the four Pad tracks.
D Send
Send level to the D Internal FX processor (usually modulat-
ing effect) for each of the four Pad tracks.
You can “lock” various functions, to avoid they can be
changed when selecting a different Performance, Style or Sin-
gle Touch Setting.
Hint: When turning the instrument on, Performance 1 is auto-
matically selected. Therefore, if you wish your parameters to
stay unchanged, save your preferred default settings into Perfor-
mance 1 (see “The Write window” on page 42), and turn these
locks on.
Note: These settings are stored in the Global file. After changing
these settings, press WRITE to save them into the Global. The
Write Global window will appear (see “The Write window” on
page 125).
Sounds or functions assigned to the Pads.
Prog:Orig W:7 KR:Or
W:12 KR:Or
W:12 KR:Or W:12 KR:Or
W:12 KR:Or W:12 KR:Or
1:Crash Volume:127
2:Ride Pan:+00
3:China C Send:100
4:*StyleUp D Send:100
Pads :Off
Scale :On
Pref:Lock (Gbl)