
144 | Index
Page Line setting
control panel, 39
Mac OS 9, 61
Mac OS X, 53
Windows, 82
Page setup options
Mac OS 9, 58 to 61
Mac OS X, 44 to 46
attaching to spindle, 33
configuration settings, 67 to 68,
85 to 87, 122
custom settings, 40 to 42
custom size, 45 to 46, 60
custom size, creating, 81
cut sheet, 18 to 30
EPSON, 19, 31
handling, 17 to 42
heavy stock, 27 to 40
jams, 127 to 132
loading in tray, 18 to 26
loading manually, 27 to 30
Mac OS 9 options, 58 to 61
Mac OS X options, 44 to 46
non-EPSON, 40 to 42
ordering, 19, 31
printable area, 139
problems, 126 to 132
removing from spindle, 37
roll, 31 to 39
specifications, 138 to 139
suction, 42, 52, 67, 86
trim lines, 39, 53, 61, 82
Windows options, 78 to 82
Paper cutter
replacing blade, 107 to 109
service life, 135
Paper feed speed, 135
Paper light, 116 to 119
Paper paths, 20
Paper Size setting
Mac OS 9, 60
Mac OS X, 45 to 46
problems, 125
Windows, 81
Paper Source setting
Mac OS 9, 58, 60
problems, 125
Windows, 78, 80
Paper tray
capacity, 21
loading, 18 to 26
Pause light, 116 to 119
Pausing print jobs
Mac OS 9, 70
Mac OS X, 55
Windows, 87
PF (paper feed) motor, checking
status, 94 to 96
PhotoEnhance, 66, 77, 85
Platen gap setting, 122
Posterboard, 27 to 40
Power cleaning cycle, 98
Power consumption, 136
Print head
aligning, 99 to 100
checking status, 94 to 96
cleaning, 96 to 98, 105
locking, 112
service life, 135
Print jobs
canceling, 55, 70, 87
managing, 68 to 72, 87 to 90
pausing, 55, 70, 87
Print quality
Mac OS 9, 65
Mac OS X, 49
problems, 120 to 122
Windows, 84
Print server, installing, 133 to 134
sp4000Guide.book Page 144 Friday, October 22, 2004 5:06 PM