Communications www.emersonct.com 17
4 Communications
4.1 Communications Protocol
PowerTools Pro communicates with the SM-EZMotion
module using 32-bit Modbus RTU protocol.
4.2 Connecting the PC to the
SM-EZMotion Module
The SM-EZMotion communicates with the PC through the
Unidrive SP's communications port. An RS-232 to RS-485
converter is necessary to communicate with the Unidrive
SP. The Unidrive SP has an RJ45 serial port connector on
the front of the drive.
Control Techniques offers a pre-made cable for this
purpose called the “CT Comms Cable" (previously named
SE71). Figure 21 below shows the CT Comms Cable.
Figure 21: CT Comms Cable
The RJ45 connector is located under a small rubber flap on
the front of the Unidrive SP just below the keypad. The
pin-out for this connector is described in the table below.
4.3 Configuring Communications
in PowerTools Pro
Before attempting to upload or download a configuration
using PowerTools Pro, the software must be configured to
the correct communications settings. To configure
communications, open PowerTools Pro then click on
Options > Preferences > Communications on the Menu
Bar. Figure 22 shows the Modbus Setup window that
allows the user to configure the communication settings.
Figure 22: Modbus Setup
In the Modbus Setup window, the user can configure the
maximum node address they wish to poll for when
uploading devices or Flash Upgrading devices.
PowerTools Pro will not check to see if any devices with
node addresses higher than the number entered are
available on the network.
To change the COM port number and Baud Rate, the user
must click the Configure Serial Port control button. Figure
23 shows the Communications Setup window.
Figure 23: Communications Setup
Once the COM port and Baud Rate are selected, click OK.
When SM-EZMotion modules are shipped from the factory,
they are configured to communicate at a baud rate of
19200 baud.
4.4 Uploading and Downloading
using PowerTools Pro
Figure 24 below will be used throughout the Uploading and
Downloading section of the manual to describe certain
Pin Function
1 Termination Resistor
4 +24V
5 Not Used
6 TX Enable
7RX\ TX\
8 Linked to Pin 7