12 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide Watch Window
Selecting Watch Window will launch a diagnostics tool that
allows the user to view the current value of multiple
SM-EZMotion parameters while online with the module.
For more information on the Watch Window, refer to
Section 11 - Diagnostics of this manual. Drive Menu
The Drive Menu Watch Window allows the user to read or
write a single SP Menu Parameter from within PowerTools
Reading a Menu Parameter
To read a Menu Parameter, enter the Menu Parameter
number to be read in the Menu.Parameter box. The Menu
Parameter is entered using the MM.PP format (where MM
is the Menu number and PP is the parameter number).
Once the Menu parameter is entered, then click on the
Read control button. The value read from the Unidrive SP
will be displayed in the Parameter Data box.
Writing to a Menu Parameter
To write to a Menu Parameter, enter the Menu Parameter
number to be read in the Menu.Parameter box. The Menu
Parameter is entered using the MM.PP format (where MM
is the Menu number and PP is the parameter number).
Once the Menu parameter is entered, then enter the value
to be written to that parameter in the Parameter Data box.
Then click on the Write control button. The value in the
Parameter Data box will be written to the specified Menu
Parameter. If the user wishes to verify that the data was
written properly, they could either click the Read button, or
navigate to the parameter using the SP keypad manually. Flash Upgrade
Selecting Flash Upgrade will launch the utility that lets the
user upgrade the firmware in the SM-EZMotion module.
New firmware becomes available from Control Techniques
to add new features or to fix problems in prior releases.
When the user selects Flash Upgrade, PowerTools Pro will
search for all devices available on the Modbus network.
Once PowerTools detects devices, a window similar to that
shown in Figure 17 will appear.
Figure 17: Flash Upgrade Window
To upgrade the firmware in a given node, click on the
Select File control button in the top-right corner of the
window. Navigate to the folder location where the new
flash file is stored. Select the new flash file and click Open.
If the selected flash file is compatible with the devices in the
list, the LED next to the device will turn from red to green.
If the selected flash file is not compatible with the device,
the LED will remain red. Once the LED next to the desired
device has turned green, click on the device to be
upgraded so that it is highlighted, then click the Upgrade
control button.
The upgrade process can take up to fifteen minutes (at
19200 baud). When complete, cycle power on the system
for the new firmware to take effect. View
Figure 18 shows the View Menu as selected from the
PowerTools Pro Menu Bar.
Figure 18: View Menu Toolbar
By default, the Toolbar is visible on the PowerTools Pro
screen. To hide the Toolbar, select Toolbar to remove it
from the display. If the Toolbar is not visible, select Toolbar
to make it appear again. Status Bar
By default, the Status Bar is visible on the PowerTools Pro
screen. To hide the Status Bar, select Status Bar to remove
it from the display. If the Status Bar is not visible, select
Status Bar to make it appear again. Show Navigation Tree
By default, the Hierarchy is visible on the PowerTools Pro
screen. Some users with low resolution monitors wish to
hide the Hierarchy to allow for more room while
programming. To hide the Hierarchy, select Show