Diagnostics www.emersonct.com 119
135 Y
Program Error - Math Addition
Math addition operation in user
program has resulted in an overflow of
the resultant parameter
Verify that the sum of all the operands in
addition formulas will not result in a value
in the following range:
< SUM < 2
136 Y Program Error - Math Divide By Zero
Formula in user program causes a
divide by zero
Make sure that the denominator in all
division formulas is not equal to zero.
137 Y
Program Error - Math Divide Operand
Too Large
138 Y
Program Error - Math Multiplication
Normalization Failed
Normalization of multiplication
parameters in user program has failed
139 Y
Program Error - Math Multiplication
Operand Too Large
140 Y Program Error - Overflow
141 Y
Program Error - Math Subtraction
142 Y Program Error - Math Stack Overflow
User Program math process stack has
143 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
144 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
145 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
146 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
147 Y
Program Error - Flash Memory Size
User configuration exceeds available
flash memory size
Eliminate any unused Indexes or
Programs and re-download the
PowerTools Pro configuration
148 Y
Program Error - RAM Memory Size
User configuration exceeds available
RAM memory size
Eliminate any unused Indexes or
Programs and re-download the
PowerTools Pro configuration
153 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
154 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
155 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
156 Y
Program Error - Too Many Wait For
No more than nine arguments in Wait
for Instruction
Limit # of arguments and redownloads
157 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
158 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
159 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
160 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
161 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
162 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
163 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
164 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
165 Y File Corruption Error - Consult Factory
166 Y
Program Error - EZMotion Parameter
Write Out of Range
Value written to SM-EZMotion
parameter in user program is out of
171 Y Invalid Slot 1 Selection
Option module selected for Slot 1 in
PowerTools Pro file does not match
actual module type fitted
Switch module located in Slot 1 to match
module type selected in PowerTools Pro
file. Alternatively, update the PowerTools
Pro configuration to match the module
type actually fitted, and then re-download
the configuration.
Error Code
Error Possible Reason Possible Solution