14 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide Upload
Same as Device > Upload from the Menu Bar. Selecting
Upload will scan the Modbus network for available nodes,
and then upload the specified node address
configurations. Upload is only available if a configuration is
not already open. Download
Same as Device > Download from the Menu Bar. Selecting
Download will send the active configuration from the PC to
the target node address (specified on the Setup view). For
more information on Downloading, see “Communications”
on page 17 in this manual. Send to RAM
Same as Device > Update Drive from the Menu Bar.
Selecting Update Drive will send any parameters that have
been changed since the last download into RAM. Doing so
allows the user to send changes to the system without
requiring a complete download. Certain parameters when
changed require a complete download and cannot be sent
to RAM. If one of these parameters is changed, the Update
Drive option will not be available on the Edit menu.
Parameter values only sent to RAM will be list when power
is cycled. Upload NVM
Selecting Upload NVM will read the current value from
each of the parameters in the SM-EZMotion module’s NVM
memory and display it in the PowerTools Pro configuration.
The file can then be saved to retain the current values
stored in NVM. Disconnect
Same as Device > Disconnect from the Menu Bar.
Selecting Disconnect will terminate communications
between the PC and any nodes the PC is online with. Add Index
Same as Edit > New > Index from the Menu Bar. Selecting
Add Index will add a new index to the configuration.
Indexes are added in sequential order. The new index will
be the next highest available index number. Adding an
index will take you directly to the new index view. Can not
be used while online. Delete Index
Same as Edit > Delete > Index from the Menu Bar. To
delete an index, the user must select they specific index
they wish to delete on the hierarchy. Once the index is
selected, click on Delete Index on the Tool Bar. Doing so
will delete the index instance. Once the index is deleted,
the data stored on the index view cannot be recovered.
Can not be used while online. Add Program
Same as Edit > New > Program from the Menu Bar.
Selecting Add Program will add a new user program to the
configuration. Programs are added in sequential order.
The new program will be the next highest available
program number. Adding a program will take you directly to
the new program view. Can not be used while online. Delete Program
Same as Edit > Delete > Program from the Menu Bar. To
delete a program, the user must select they specific
program they wish to delete on the hierarchy. Once the
program is selected, click on Delete Program on the Tool
Bar. Doing so will delete the program instance. Once the
program is deleted, the program code cannot be
recovered. Can not be used while online. View Current Errors
Same as Device > View Errors... from the Menu Bar.
Selecting View Errors... from the Edit menu will open the
Active Errors pop up window. The Active Errors window will
show any error or trip conditions that have not been reset.