Index www.emersonct.com 133
Absolute Index, 25
AbsolutePositionValid, 85
Accelerating, 85
AccelType, 85
AccelUnits.Decimal, 85
AccelUnits.TimeScale, 85
Assignments View, 52
AtVel, 85
Bit.B#, 85
BitRegister.#.Value, 85
BitRegister.#.ValueMask, 85
BrakeOverloadAccumulator, 86
BrakeResistorAlarm, 86
BusVoltage, 86
Capture View, 46
Capture.#.CapturedMasterPostion, 86
Capture.#.CapturedPositionCommand, 86
Capture.#.CapturedPositionFeedback, 86
Capture.#.CapturedTime, 86
Capture.Name, 86
Capture.Number, 86
CaptureActivate, 86
Captured.#.CapturedMasterPosHomed, 87
CaptureEnable, 86
CaptureReset, 86
CaptureTriggered, 86
ClearFollowingError, 87
CommandingMotion, 87
Configuring Communications in PowerTools Pro, 17
Connecting Motor Encoder Feedback to the Unidrive SP, 3
Creating a Custom Motor File, 125
Current View, 42
CurrentDemand, 87
CurrentLevel, 87
CurrentLevelActive, 87
CurrentLimit, 87
CurrentLimitActive, 87
CurrentLimitEnable, 87
Decelerating, 87
DefineHome, 88
DefineHomePosn, 88
Digital I/O Connections, 3
DistUnits.CharacteristicDist, 88
DistUnits.CharacteristicLength, 88
DistUnits.Decimal, 88
DistUnits.Name, 88
Drive Parameters, 111
Drive/Encoder View, 33
DriveActive, 88
DriveEnableStatus, 88
DriveHealthy, 88
DriveSerialNumber, 88
Electrical Connections, 3
Errors and Error Codes, 117
Errors View, 43
EZ Motion I/O Setup View, 54
EZConnect.DigitalIOReadWord, 88
EZInput.#.DebounceTime, 88
EZInput.#.Force, 89
EZInput.#.ForceEnable, 89
EZInput.#.In, 89
EZOutput.#.Name, 89
EZOutput.#.Out, 89
Fault.DriveOK, 89
Fault.Reset, 88
FeedforwardsEnable, 89
Feedhold, 89
FeedholdDecelTime, 89
FeedRateDeactivate, 89
FeedRateOverride, 90
FollowingError, 90
FollowingErrorEnable, 90
FollowingErrorLimit, 90
Gear.Accel, 90
Gear.AccelEnable, 90
Gear.Accelerating, 90
16 Index