114 www.emersonct.com SM-EZMotion Module User Guide
1.The SM-EZMotion module reads this parameter for
display purposes in PowerTools Pro Software. Primary
use is for diagnostics.
2. These parameters are set to a specific value every time
the system is powered up. This parameter must not be
changed, or the system may not function properly.
3. This parameter is read from and written to based on the
value specified in PowerTools Pro. This parameter is
often directly displayed on a specific view, and can be
modified using PowerTools Pro. Written to by the
module on every power up.
4. This is the main command signal from the SM-EZMotion
module. This parameter is written to every trajectory
update of the SM-EZMotion module. Do not attempt to
write to this parameter.
5. These parameters are not available in PowerTools Pro,
but are written to by the SM-EZMotion module. These
parameters are written on every power up. Do not
change these parameters.
6. These parameters are reserved for use by the
SM-EZMotion module only if an SM-I/O Plus module is
being used. If multiple SM-I/O Plus modules are used,
these parameters affect the functionality of the SM-I/O
Plus module in the lower slot number.
7. These parameters are reserved for use by the
SM-EZMotion module only if a second SM-I/O Plus
module is being used. These parameters affect the
functionality of the SM-I/O Plus module in the higher slot
12.3 SM-EZMotion Module Setup
Several parameters associated with the SM-EZMotion
option module can be found in either Menu 15, 16, or 17.
Each of menus 15, 16, and 17 refer to one of the available
slots into which the SM-EZMotion option module can be
The following SM-EZMotion parameters are available from
the keypad on the Unidrive SP. The slot # that the module
is plugged into directly determines which menu these
parameters are found under.
Slot 1 – Menu 15
Slot 2 – Menu 16
Slot 3 – Menu 17
x.01 – Option ID Code
When no option module is fitted in the relevant slot, this
parameter is zero. When a module is fitted in the relevant
slot, this parameter displays the identification code of the
module as shown below.
When the drive parameter database is saved by the user,
the option code of the currently fitted module is saved in
EEPROM. If the drive is subsequently powered-up with a
different module fitted, or no module fitted where a module
was previously fitted, the drive will have a SLX.dF trip. To
clear the SLX.dF trip, follow the “Clearing the SLX.dF Trip”
instructions in the diagnostics section of this manual.
x.02 – Option Software Version
This parameter indicates the SM-EZMotion module
firmware revision that is currently stored in the module. It is
possible for the user to flash upgrade the firmware using
PowerTools Pro EZ software.
The format for this parameter is XX.YY where XX is the
major revision and YY is the minor revision. The firmware
is released by Control Techniques using an alphanumeric
revision code. The first fully released revision is A1.
Anything with a major revision of 50 or greater is
considered non-released firmware. When Beta firmware is
made available for testing, it is given a beta firmware
revision starting at 60.01. The beta firmware revision will
increment for each new beta release that is made available
(e.g. 60.02, 60.03, etc.).
Code Module Category
0 No Module Fitted
101 SM-Resolver Position Feedback
Encoder Plus
Position Feedback X
103 SM-SLM Position Feedback X
104 SM-Encoder Plus Position Feedback
201 SM-I/O Plus I/O Expansion
301 SM-Applications Applications X
302 SM-Applicaitons Lite Applications X
303 SM-EZMotion Applications X
401 reserved Fieldbus X
402 reserved Fieldbus X
403 SM-Profibus DP Fieldbus X
404 SM-INTERBUS Fieldbus X
405 reserved Fieldbus X
406 SM-CAN Fieldbus X
407 SM-DeviceNet Fieldbus X
408 SM-CANopen Fieldbus X