Parameter Descriptions www.emersonct.com 99
SM-EZMotion Power Up Count
Power Up Count is the current value of how many times the
SM-EZMotion module has been powered up. Each time
power is cycled to the system, this number increments by
one. This parameter is stored in the SM-EZMotion module,
and is not reset if the module is switched to another drive.
This parameter is read-only and can be found on the Errors
view while online with PowerTools Pro EZ.
SM-EZMotion Power Up Time
The Power Up Time is the time elapsed since power has
been cycled to the SM-EZMotion Module. The units for the
parameter are Hours with a resolution of 0.1 Hours. This
parameter is read-only and can be found on the Errors view
while online with PowerTools Pro EZ.
Profile Accelerating
This source will be active when the motion being run on the
specified profile is accelerating to its programmed velocity.
When the motion has reached its programmed velocity,
this function will deactivate. This allows the user to see
when any motion being run on this profile is accelerating
rather than having to monitor each motion object
Profile At Velocity
This source is active when the motion being run on the
specified profile is running at the programmed velocity.
This function will activate after the acceleration ramp is
completed, and before the deceleration ramp begins. This
allows the user to see when any motion being run on this
profile is at its programmed velocity rather than having to
monitor each motion object individually.
Profile Command Complete
This source activates when the commanded motion for a
motion object running on the specified profile is completed.
The function will remain active until the next motion is
initiated on the same profile. If the MotionStop of the Stop
function is used to stop the motion running on the specified
profile, the CommandComplete will not activate. The
CommandComplete does not activate after a stop because
the motor may not be in the desired end position of the
motion. This allows the user to see when any motion being
run on this profile is complete rather than having to monitor
each motion object individually.
Activation of the CommandComplete signal does not
mean that the motor is no longer moving. If there is any
following error at the end of the motion, the
CommandComplete will turn in before the actual motor
motion is stopped.
Profile Command In Progress
This source is active while any motion is being commanded
on the specified profile. This function is active during all
segments of a motion (Accel, AtVel, and Decel). This
function will deactivate when the CommandComplete
signal activates. The CommandInProgress signal can be
active without actual motor movement if the master
encoder stops during gearing or synchronized motion. This
allows the user to see when any motion being run on this
profile is in progress rather than having to monitor each
motion object individually.
Profile Decelerating
This source will be active when the motion being run on the
specified profile is decelerating to zero velocity (or to the
next programmed velocity). When the motion has reached
zero velocity, or its next programmed velocity, this function
will deactivate. This allows the user to see when any
motion being run on this profile is decelerating rather than
having to monitor each motion object individually.
Profile Feedhold
This function is used to suspend or pause a profile in
motion without stopping it altogether. The Feedhold effects
all types of motion except for Gearing. When activated, any
motion being run on the specified profile will decelerate to
a stop in the time programmed in the FeedholdDecelTime
parameter. The motion will remain stopped as long as the
function is active. When deactivated, the motion will
accelerate back up to the programmed speed in the same
amount of time to finish its profile.
Profile Motion Stop
This function is used to stop any motion operating on the
specified profile. This allows the user to stop motion
running on one profile without stopping motion on both
profiles. When activated, motion running on the specified
profile will decelerate to a stop using the deceleration rate
programmed in the StopDecel parameter. The profile will
decelerate using a real-time deceleration ramp regardless
of the original timebase of the move.