
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3627:admin# config stp priority 61440 instance_id 0
Command: config stp priority 61440 instance_id 0
config stp
Purpose Used to configure the bridge management parameters for CIST (instance_id = 0).
config stp {maxage <value 6-40> | maxhops <value 1-40 | hellotime <value 1-10> |
forwarddelay <value 4-30> | txholdcount <value 1-10> | fbpdu [enable(3)|disable(2)] |
lbd [enable(1)|disable(0)] | lbd_recover_timer [<value 0> | <value 60-1000000>] |
nni_bpdu_addr [dot1d | dot1ad]}(1)
Description This command is used to configure the bridge parameters global settings.
maxage - Used to determine if a BPDU is valid. The default value is 20.
maxhops - Used to restrict the forwarded times of one BPDU. The default value is 20.
forwarddelay - The maximum delay time for one BPDU to be transmitted by a bridge and
received from another bridge. The default value is 15.
txholdcount - Used to restrict the numbers of BPDU transmitted in a time interval (per Hello
fbpdu - To decide if the Bridge will flood STP BPDU when STP functionality is disabled.
nni_bdpu_addr - Used to determine the BPDU protocol address for STP in service provide
site. It can use 802.1d STP address, 802.1ad service provider STP address or an user
defined mutilcast address. The range of the user defined address is 0180C2000000 -
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To config stp:
DGS-3627:admin# config stp maxage 25
Command: config stp maxage 25
config stp ports
Purpose Used to configure the ports management parameters only at CIST level.
config stp ports <portlist> {externalCost [auto | <value 1-200000000>] | hellotime
<value 1-10> | migrate [yes | no] | edge [true | false | auto] | p2p [true | false | auto] |
state [enable | disable] | restricted_role [true |f alse] | restricted_tcn [true | false] | lbd
[enable | disable] | fbpdu [enable | disable]}(1)
Description This command can configure all the parameters of ports, except for Internal Path Cost and
Port Priority.
portlist - One of CLI Value Type , restrict the input value and format of the ports, refer to
section 1-4 Switch Numerical Ranges.
external_cost - The path cost between MST regions from the transmitting Bridge to the CIST
Root Bridge. It is only used at CIST level.
hellotime - The default value is 2 . This is a per-Bridge parameter in RSTP, but it becomes a