DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
Command Parameters
enable sim
disable sim
show sim {[candidates {<candidate_id 1-100>} | members {<member_id 1-32>} | group
{commander_mac <macaddr>} | neighbor]}
reconfig {member_id <value 1-32> | exit}
config sim_group [add <candidate_id 1-100> {<password>} | delete <member_id 1-32>]
config sim [[commander {group_name <groupname 64>} | candidate] | dp_interval <sec 30-
90> | hold_time <sec 100-255>]
download sim_ms [firmware_from_tftp | configuration_from_tftp] <ipaddr> <path_filename>
{[members <mslist 1-32> | all]}
upload sim_ms [configuration_to_tftp | log_to_tftp] <ipaddr> <path_filename> {[members <mslist>
| all]}
Each command is listed, in detail, in the following sections.
enable sim
Purpose Used to enable Single IP Management (SIM) on the Switch
enable sim
Description This command will enable SIM globally on the Switch. SIM features and functions will not
function properly unless this function is enabled.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To enable SIM on the Switch:
DGS-3627:admin# enable sim
Command: enable sim
disable sim
Purpose Used to disable Single IP Management (SIM) on the Switch.
disable sim
Description This command will disable SIM globally on the Switch.
Parameters None.
Restrictions Only Administrator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To disable SIM on the Switch: