DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config router_ports
vlan - Specify the name of the VLAN on which the router port resides.
add | delete - Specify to add or delete the router ports.
portlist - Specify a range of ports to be configured. (UnitID:port number)
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To set up static router ports:
DGS-3627:admin# config router_ports default add 2:1-2:10
Command: config router_ports default add 2:1-2:10
config router_ports_forbidden
Purpose Used to configure ports as forbidden router ports.
config router_ports_forbidden <vlan_name 32> [add | delete] <portlist>
Description This command allows you to designate a range of ports as being not connected to multicast-
enabled routers. This ensures that the forbidden router port will not propagate routing
packets out.
vlan - Specify the name of the VLAN on which the router port resides.
add | delete - Specify to add or delete the router ports.
portlist - Specify a range of ports to be configured. (UnitID:port number)
Restrictions Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To set up port range 1-10 to forbidden router ports of default VLAN:
DGS-3627:admin# config router_ports_forbidden default add 1-10
Command: config router_ports_forbidden default add 1-10
enable igmp_snooping
Purpose Used to enable IGMP snooping on the switch.
enable igmp_snooping {forward_mcrouter_only}
Description This command allows you to enable IGMP snooping on the switch. The
forward_mcrouter_only function is disabled by default. The enable igmp_snooping
forward_mcrouter_only command will enable the IGMP snooping function and the forward
multicast router only function.
If forward multicast router only is enabled, the switch will forward all multicast traffic to the
multicast router, only. Otherwise, the switch forwards all multicast traffic to any IP router.
forward_mcrouter_only - If specified, the switch will learn the router port based on