DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
(Summary), Autonomous System link (ASSummary), Autonomous System external link
(ASExternal), and NSSA_EXT (Not So Stubby Area external)
Link State ID
This field identifies the portion of the Internet environment that is being described by the
advertisement. The contents of this field depend on the advertisement's LS type.
LS Type Link State ID
1 The originating router's Router ID.
2 The IP interface address of the network's Designated Router.
3 The destination network's IP address.
4 The Router ID of the described AS boundary router.
Displays the cost of the table entry.
Displays a sequence number corresponding to number of times the current link has been
advertised as changed.
Browse OSPF Neighbor Table
Routers that are connected to the same area or segment become neighbors in that area. Neighbors are elected via the Hello
protocol. IP multicast is used to send out Hello packets to other routers on the segment. Routers become neighbors when they see
themselves listed in a Hello packet sent by another router on the same segment. In this way, two-way communication is
guaranteed to be possible between any two-neighbor routers. This table displays OSPF neighbors of the Switch.
To view this table, click Monitoring > OSPF Monitor > OSPF > Browse OSPF Neighbor Table as shown below.
Figure 8- 53. OSPF Neighbor Table window
To search for OSPF neighbors, enter an IP address and click Find. Valid OSPF neighbors will appear in the OSPF Neighbor
Table below.
Browse OSPF Virtual Neighbor Table
This table displays a list of Virtual OSPF Neighbors of the Switch.
To view this table, click Monitoring > OSPF Monitor > OSPF > Browse OSPF Virtual Neighbor Table, as shown below:
Figure 8- 54. OSPF Virtual Neighbor Table window
The user may choose specifically search a virtual neighbor by using one of the two search options at the top of the window, which
Parameter Description