
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
Add to group - Add a candidate to a group. Clicking this option will reveal the following window for the user to enter a
password for authentication from the Candidate Switch before being added to the SIM group. Click OK to enter the
password or Cancel to exit the window.
Figure 2- 100. Input password window
Property - To pop up a window to display the device information.
Menu Bar
The Single IP Management window contains a menu bar for device configurations, as seen below.
Figure 2- 101. Menu Bar of the Topology View
The five menus on the menu bar are as follows.
Print Setup - Will view the image to be printed.
Print Topology - Will print the topology map.
Preference - Will set display properties, such as polling interval, and the views to open at SIM startup.
Add to group - Add a candidate to a group. Clicking this option will reveal the following screen for the user to enter a
password for authentication from the Candidate Switch before being added to the SIM group. Click OK to enter the
password or Cancel to exit the window.
Figure 2- 102. Input password window
Remove from Group - Remove an MS from the group.
Configure - Will open the Web manager for the specific device.
Refresh - Update the views with the latest status.
Topology - Display the Topology view.
About - Will display the SIM information, including the current SIM version.