
DGS-3600 Series Layer 3 Managed Gigabit Ethernet Switch
User Accounts
Use the User Account Management window to control user privileges. Any existing User Accounts will be displayed in the table
To view this window, click Administration > User Accounts, as shown below:
Figure 2- 16. User Accounts window
To add a new user, click on the Add button. To modify or delete an existing user, click on the Modify button for that user.
Figure 2- 17. User Account Add Table window
Add a new user by typing in a User Name, and New Password and retype the same password in the Confirm New Password field.
Choose the level of privilege (Admin, Operator or User) from the Access Right drop-down menu.
Figure 2- 18. User Account Modify Table window
Modify or delete an existing user account in the User Account Modify Table window. To delete the user account, click on the
Delete button. To change the password, type in the New Password and retype it in the Confirm New Password entry field. The
level of privilege (Admin, Operator or User) can be viewed in the Access Right field. To encrypt this user account information,
tick the Encrypt checkbox, toggle between Plain Text and SHA_1, and enter the encryption password in the last field. Click Apply
to implement changes.