Chapter 6 Command Definitions
6.10.1 MSC7P – Measurements SS7 Print
This command prints traffic measurements for SS7 signaling links. The measurements are cumulative
between system startup and the next time the measurements are reset.
The fields have the following meanings:
• C7LINK - SS7 signaling Link.
• OOSDUR - Duration that the link was not in service. This field is not currently supported.
• RXNACK - Number of negative acknowledgements received.
Note: RXNACK is not applicable for M2PA SS7 links and is set to 0. See the MSSLP command
description for SNLINK measurements.
• RXMSU - Number of message signaling units octets received.
• RXOCT - Number of SIF and SIO octets received.
• TXMSU - Number of message signaling units octets transmitted.
• TXOCT - Number of SIF and SIO octets transmitted.
• RTXOCT - Octets retransmitted.
Note: RTXOCT is not applicable for M2PA SS7 links and is set to 0. See the MSSLP command description
for SNLINK measurements.
• NCONG - Congestion counter.
• PERIOD - Time since measurements on the route were last reset. Specified in hours, minutes and
• ALIGN - Number of failed signaling link alignment attempts
• SUERR - Number of signal units in error
• TBUSY - Duration of local busy condition
• TCONG - Duration of link congestion
• NDISCARD - Number of MSUs discarded due to congestion
• NEVENT - Number of congestion events leading to MSU discard
• If specified, the SS7 signaling link must be initiated and unblocked.