
SS7G2x Signaling Server SGW Mode User Manual Issue 4
7.4 Management and Operations
Entities such as boards, SS7 links, SIGTRAN links and Application Servers after configuration are considered
to be in the “blocked” state. The configuration exists in the system for these entities, but these entities are
not considered to be active. To activate an entity, the MNBLI command should be used. To temporally
deactivate an entity, the MNBLE command should be used.
The status of entities such as boards, SS7 links, SIGTRAN links and Application Servers can be examined
using the STxxx set of commands.
Alarms that occur on the Signaling Gateway can be view using the ALLOP and ALLIP commands.
7.5 Default Routing
The Signaling Gateway offers a Default Routing service. This service allows the Signaling Gateway to onward
route MTP Message Signal Units (MSUs) with unknown Destination Point Codes (DPCs). It also provides a
mechanism for Signaling Network Management messages to be generated for unknown Point Codes.
Figure 10 shows a typical system that uses Default Routing. The SPCs with Point Codes 1, 2 and 3 can each
communicate with many Point Codes within the MTP Network not all of which the SS7G2x has been
configured to know about. The SS7G2x connects to two STPs that have been explicitly configured to know
about more Point Codes than the SS7G2x.
7.5.1 Configuring Default Routing
Default Routing is configured using the C7RTI command with the DPC parameter set to “DFLT”. An additional
route is configured with the LS1 and LS2 parameters identifying the link sets to the STPs and the PC set to
Routing MSUs
When the Default Route is configured, on receipt of an MSU for an unknown DPC, the message is sent out on
an available link set in the Default Route or discarded.
Route Set Test
SEPs send the Signaling Gateway RST messages for unknown Point Codes. The SS7G2x regenerates these
messages and sends them to the STPs that responds to the Signaling Gateway with appropriate SNM
Transfer Prohibited/Transfer Allowed
On receipt of TFA or TFP from one of the STPs in the Default Route, the Signaling Gateway regenerates and
broadcasts these to all SEPs not in the Default Route.