
Chapter 1 Overview
As the Signaling Gateway supports static, rather than dynamic IP routing, the Signaling Gateway may not be
configured with different IP addresses within the same IP network. Instead, resilience between two IP ports
within the same network can be achieved by using IP port bonding, which allows two physical IP ports to be
bonded together in an active/standby configuration under a single IP address. See Section 7.6.1, “IP Port
Bonding” on page 142 for more information. Dual Operation
The Signaling Gateway may be configured as part of a Dual-Resilient pair; that is, two SS7G2x units
appearing to the network as a single point code. If the SS7 network loses accessibility of one unit, the point
code status remains unaffected.
Figure 3 shows a dual resilient system with two Dialogic
SS7G2xs products connected to an STP in the SS7
network and an M3UA ASP. To achieve this configuration, the following additions to the normal configuration
must be made:
1. The configuration of an inter-SS7G2x link set. This has the same DPC and OPC. This link set may consist
of MTP2 links, M2PA links or a combination of both.
2. Each C7Route must be configured to use a preferred link set LS1 and a backup link set LS2.
3. Each SS7G2x must be configured with a C7Route to the other SS7G2x using only LS2.
Note: Since both SS7G2xs have C7Links that are part of the same link set (from the perspective of the
adjacent point code), care must be taken in the assignment of SLCs.
Figure 3. Dual Resilient Configuration
See Chapter 7, “Configuration Overview” for a more in depth discussion of Dual Resilient configuration.
PC 2
SS7G2x 1
PC 1
PC 3
Inter SS7G2x
(shown as M2PA)
M3UA Links
SS7G2x 1
PC 1