
SS7G2x Signaling Server SGW Mode User Manual Issue 4
PCM Traffic Measurements
Periodic reports conveying PCM performance data can be configured using the RDPRI command. PCMs are
associated with the report using the RDPDI command. PCMs can be removed from the report using the
RDPDE command.
The PRTYPE parameter should be MSPCM.
SIGTRAN Link Traffic Measurements
Periodic reports conveying SIGTRAN link performance data can be configured using the RDPRI command.
SIGTRAN Links (SNLINK) are associated with the report using the RDPDI command. SIGTRAN Links can be
removed from the report using the RDPDE command.
The PRTYPE parameter should be MSSL.
Ethernet Port Traffic Measurements
Periodic reports conveying Ethernet performance data can be configured using the RDPRI command. ETH
ports are associated with the report using the RDPDI command. ETH ports can be removed from the report
using the RDPDE command.
The PRTYPE parameter should be MSEP.
System Measurements
Periodic reports conveying system performance data can be configured using the RDPRI command. There are
no associated data types for use with this command.
The PRTYPE parameter should be MSSY.
9.5.4 Software Update
See Section 4.11.1, “Software Update from a Remote Data Centre” on page 24 for example MML that
upgrades the Signaling Gateway software from an RDC.
9.5.5 Configuration Backup
See Section 4.12.1, “Configuration Backup to Remote Data Centre” on page 25 for example MML that
upgrades the Signaling Gateway configuration from an RDC.
9.5.6 Configuration Update
See Section 4.13.1, “Configuration Update from a Remote Data Centre” on page 26 for example MML that
upgrades the Signaling Gateway configuration from an RDC.
9.5.7 Software Option Installation
See Section 4.14.3, “License Update from Remote Data Centre” on page 28 for example MML that installs
software options onto the Signaling Gateway from an RDC.