
Chapter 6 Command Definitions
Chapter 6: Command Definitions
6.1 Command Groups
The commands are broken down into a number of command groups as follows:
Alarm Commands
Configuration Commands
SS7 Signaling Commands
IP Commands
MML Commands
Maintenance Commands
Measurement Commands
Remote Data Centre Commands
Signaling Gateway Commands
SIGTRAN Commands
Status Commands
6.2 Command Notation
The following conventions are used in the command definitions:
Items in square brackets [ ] are optional.
Items separated by a vertical bar | are alternatives, only one of which can be used.
Curly brackets { } are used to designate a group of optional items of which at least one must be
The sequence of three dots … is used to indicate that a number of values can be entered, linked by the &
or && operator.
6.3 Command Attributes
The following symbols are used to indicate command attributes:
CONFIG - The command affects configuration data.
PROMPT - A “DANGEROUS” command, which must be confirmed by the operator.