SS7G2x Signaling Server SGW Mode User Manual Issue 4
6.12.5 SGIRI – Signaling Gateway Incoming Route Initiate
This command initiates an incoming route on a Signaling Gateway. The incoming route is selected by the
network and domain (TDM or SIGTRAN) that a data message came from. The network is specified on an SS7
link set on the TDM side and a SIGTRAN link on the SIGTRAN side.
An incoming route can either go directly to a destination or perform analysis of the received message to
determine a destination. If analysis fails, or the destination determined by analysis is not available, the
incoming route can use the destination associated with it as a default destination.
For RKTAB, DEST, NC, and DOMAIN, a value of “null” is supported. “null” indicates a wildcard value and
means any value. “null” is the default value for an RKTAB/DEST entry.
Note: The value “null” cannot be used for these parameters elsewhere in the system unless explicitly
specified in the command.
• If specified, the destination index exists.
• Either an RKTAB or DEST must exist.
• The incoming route does not already exist.
• The NC/DOMAIN combination has not already been specified nor does it form a superset or subset of an
existing NC/DOMAIN combination
Note: This check takes into account one or more routing elements marked as a wild card.