SS7G2x Signaling Server SGW Mode User Manual Issue 4
Chapter 9: Remote Data Centre Operation
The Remote Data Centre (RDC) service allows the transfer of data between the Signaling Gateway and a
remote computer located at a remote management centre. Data is transferred over a local or wide area
network using the ftp protocol.
Up to four different RDCs can be configured and each report can be configured to use two RDC's (one as the
primary RDC and the other as the backup RDC). This ensures continuity of service in case the connection to
the primary RDC fails.
The RDC uses the ftp file transfer mechanism to exchange data with the remote site. The remote site requires
only an industry standard ftp server to handle the file transfer and does not require any proprietary software
on the remote computer. The Signaling Gateway “logs on” to the remote computer using a user-configured
user name and password.
Two categories of report are made to the RDC, Continuous Records and Periodic Reports. In each case, there
are several report types as detailed below.
The data transferred for each report type is stored in a different directory on the remote system using a new
file for each day's information. The directory name is user configurable.
9.1 Local Data Centres
As the Signaling Gateway can act as an ftp server, the Signaling Gateway itself can act as a “Remote Data
Centre”’ locally storing files and providing RDC services. Configuration in the manner is particularly useful as
a backup when loss of communication with normal RDCs occur.
When the unit is configured to store continuous records and periodic reports locally, the user is responsible
for the management of the file space used on the Signaling Gateway. If the file system becomes full, the
Signaling Gateway is no longer able to back up files locally. A full file system has no other impact on the
operation of the Signaling Gateway and the user is able to correct the problem by removing files from within
the “siuftp” account.
9.2 Continuous Records
Continuous records provide the capability to transfer records to an RDC on a continuous basis in near real
time. The minimum number of records collected prior to transfer and the maximum time interval before the
transfer is attempted are configured by the user. This allows the user complete control over when records are
transferred to the remote data centre, within system limits.
Continuous recording can be configured to support the occurrence and clearing of alarms to an RDC. The
records are formatted as a comma separated variable (CSV) text file.
9.3 Periodic Reporting
Periodic reports can be configured to support the transfer to an RDC of data at user-defined intervals,
typically allowing, for example, hourly reports of traffic measurements on a per SS7 link basis. The reports
are formatted as a CSV file.
9.3.1 C7 Link Traffic Measurements
Measurements collected on a per CCS SS7 signaling basis can be transferred periodically to the RDC. These
measurements can optionally be reset at the expiry of each interval.
9.3.2 PCM Traffic Measurements
Measurements collected on a per PCM basis can be transferred periodically to the RDC. These measurements
can optionally be reset at the expiry of each interval.