4-36 ADAM-5000
I/O Modules
Main Units Supporting Digital Output Holding Function
The Digital Output Holding Function is applicable only to ADAM-
5510 and ADAM-5511. Other main units, such as ADAM-5000/485,
ADAM-5000/CAN and ADAM-5000E, do not support this function,
since their firmwares will automatically clear the digital output.
Although the firmware of ADAM-5510 and ADAM-5511 will not
automatically clear the digital output value, it is nevertheless left as
user's free choice to write a program either to clear the digital output or
to set the initial value for the system.
The digital output behaviors during power-on and reset are summa-
rized in the following table:
ADAM-5056D Digital Output during Power-on and Reset
Power-on Reset
DO. clear DO. clear
DO. clear DO. clear
DO. clear DO. clear
DO. clear DO. hold
DO. clear DO. hold
Table 4-15: Main Units Supporting Digital Output Holding Funciton