ADAM-5000 7-3
Chapter 7
Error Code Error Type
00h OK
01h AI module span calibration error
02h AI module self-calibration error
04h AI module zero calibration error
08h AI module data reading error
10h CJC reading error
20h EEPROM read/write error of
AI/AO modules
7.3 System Indicators
While the ADAM-5000 system is in operation the indicators on the
front can help you diagnose problems with the system. The table
below gives a quick reference of potential problems associated with
each status indicator.
Indicator Status Potential Problems
PWR (Off) 1. System voltage incorrect
2. Power supply is faulty
3. Other components such as I/O
modules have power supply shorts
RUN (Off) CPU board is faulty
TX (Off) Data not sent to adjacent node
RX (Off) Data not received from adjacent node
PWR Indicator
In general there are 3 reasons for the system power status LED (PWR)
to be OFF.