4-18 ADAM-5000
I/O Modules
4.5 Analog I/O Modules Calibration
Analog input/output modules are calibrated when you receive them.
However, calibration is sometimes required. No screwdriver is neces-
sary because calibration is done in software with calibration parame-
ters stored in the ADAM-5000 analog I/O module's onboard EEPROM.
The ADAM-5510/P31 system comes with the ADAM utility software
that supports calibration of analog input and analog output. Besides
the calibration that is carried out using the utility software, the
modules incorporate automatic Zero Calibration and automatic Span
Calibration at bootup or reset.
Analog input module calibration
Modules: ADAM-5017, 5017H, 5018
1. Apply power to the ADAM-5510/P31 system that the analog input
module is plugged into and let it warm up for about 30 minutes
2. Assure that the module is correctly installed and is properly
configured for the input range you want to calibrate. You can do
this by using the ADAM utility software. (Refer to Chapter 5)
3. Use a precision voltage source to apply a span calibration voltage
to the module's V0+ and V0- terminals. (See Tables 4-8 and 4-9 for
reference voltages for each range.)
Figure 4-14: Applying calibration voltage