ADAM-5000 5-19
Chapter 5
and then specify the file name.
The configuration file is now saved.
5.4.8 Load Modules Configuration File
• Reload previous settings. Sets the input range, baud rate, data
format, checksum status and/or integration time and alarm status
for a specified analog input module.
• Sets the output range, baud rate, data format, checksum status and
slew rate for a specified analog output module.
• Sets the baud rate and checksum status for a digital I/O module.
• Sets the input mode, baud rate, checksum status and/or frequency
gate time, input signal mode, gate mode, alarm status, etc. for a
specified counter/frequency module.
Note: Baud rate and checksum can only be changed in the
INIT* state. Changed settings can only take effect
after a module is rebooted.