7-2 ADAM-5000
The ADAM-5000 system provides two kinds of diagnosis: hardware
diagnosis and software diagnosis to help the user detect and identify
various types of system and I/O module failures.
7.1 Hardware Diagnosis
When the ADAM-5000 is first powered on, the system does a self-
diagnosis. The diagnosis information will be indicated on the LEDs of
the system module in the following sequence:
1. The LEDs will come on according to the following sequence: PWR
-> RUN -> TX -> RX,
2. Then all LEDs will go off
3. If the system self test is OK, the LEDs will follow the sequence
outlined in Steps 1 and 2. If the system has some problems, the
LEDs indicate errors as shown in the following table.
LED Status Error Type
PWR LED On Checksum error
error on CPU board
TX LED On RS-232 malfunction
RX LED On RS-485 malfunction
7.2 Software Diagnosis
The ADAM-5000 provides an ASCII command $AAE (Refer to the
command set in Chapter 6) to read the status of I/O modules through
the RS-232 port for field diagnosis or RS-485 port for remote diagnosis.
The response of such a command is !AAFFFFFFFF (FF represents the
error message of a slot from 0 to 3). The error messages are detailed in
the following table: