
Table 4-1: Technical specifications of ADAM-5013 ............................. 4-4
Table 4-2: Calibration resistances of ADAM-5013 .............................. 4-6
Table 4-3: Technical specifications of ADAM-5017 ............................. 4-9
Table 4-4: Technical specifications of ADAM-5017H ........................4-12
Table 4-5: ADAM-5017H input signal ranges.................................... 4-13
Table 4-6: Technical specifications of ADAM-5018 ...........................4-15
Table 4-7: Technical specifications of ADAM-5024 ...........................4-17
Table 4-8: Calibration voltage of ADAM-5017/5018 .......................... 4-21
Table 4-9: Calibration voltage of ADAM-5017H .................................4-22
Table 4-10: Technical specifications of ADAM-5050 ........................... 4-27
Table 4-11: Technical specifications of ADAM-5051 ........................... 4-28
Table 4-12: Comparison between ADAM-5051 and ADAM-5051D ....4-30
Table 4-13: Technical specifications of ADAM-5052 ........................... 4-32
Table 4-14: Technical specifications of ADAM-5056 ........................... 4-33
Table 4-15: Main Units Supporting Digital Output Holding Funciton ..4-36
Table 4-16: Comparison between ADAM-5056 and ADAM-5056D ....4-37
Table 4-17: Technical specifications of ADAM-5060 ........................... 4-39
Table 4-18: Technical specifications of ADAM-5068 ........................... 4-40
Table 4-19: ADAM-5080 technical specifications ................................4-51