
6-2 ADAM-5000
Command Set
6.1 Introduction
To avoid communication conflicts when several devices try to send
data at the same time, all actions are instigated by the host computer.
The basic form is a command/response protocol with the host initiat-
ing the sequence.
When systems are not transmitting they are in listen mode. The host
issues a command to a system with a specified address and waits a
certain amount of time for the system to respond. If no response
arrives, a time-out aborts the sequence and returns control to the host.
Changing ADAM-5000/5000E system's configuration might require the
system to perform auto calibration before changes can take effect.
This is especially true when changing the range as the system has to
perform all stages of auto calibration that it performs when booted.
When this process is underway, the system does not respond to any
other commands. The command set includes information on the
delays that might occur when systems are reconfigured.
6.2 Syntax
Command Syntax: [delimiter character][address][slot][channel]
[command][data][checksum][carriage return]
Every command begins with a delimiter character. There are four valid
characters: $, #, % and @.
The delimiter character is followed by a two character address (hexa-
decimal) that specifies the target system. The two characters following
the address specifies the module slot and channel.
Depending on the command, an optional data segment may follow the
command string. An optional two character checksum may also be
appended to the command string. Every command is terminated with a
carriage return (cr).
Note: All commands should be issued in UPPERCASE
characters only!