Administrative Tasks
1-56 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Step 4. Change directory to $FS_HOME (directory where
FileServ is located).
Step 5. Source FileServ
cshrc by entering source
Step 6. Execute the fsvsinstall script by entering run
and respond to
fsvsinstall script prompts you for the
following information:
• Enter VolServ library used by FileServ software.
• Enter drive identifier to add to FileServ.
• Enter component alias, device pathname, drive
type, and drive delay time for each drive
Step 7. Log out as
root and log in as the FileServ system
Step 8. Verify the drives have been added to the FileServ
system by entering
Step 9. Log out as the FileServ system administrator and log
in as the VolServ system administrator.
Step 10. Verify the drives have been added to VolServ by
querying the drive pool used by FileServ.
Step 11. Log out as the VolServ system administrator.