Administrative Tasks
1-52 System Tasks 600716 Rev A
Drive Compatibility
The fsconfig command can configure various drives. The
following list shows the FileServ default drive values and the
various drives each default value supports along with the media
type. When adding a drive, this table should be referenced. The
tape media that came with your system may not include all
these types.
Hardware Configuration Report Fri Jan 29 09:13:49 1999
Component ID: V0,11
Device pathname: /dev/er90/s1
User Alias: ER90_DR2
Component Type: DRIVE
Drive Type: ER90
Drive ID: 11
Delay Time: 1000
Drive Names Supported Drives Supported Media Media Types
DLT2000 DLT2000 CompacTape Type III CTIII
DLT4000 DLT4000 CompacTape Type III
CompacTape Type IV
DLT7000 DLT7000 CompacTape Type III
CompacTape Type IV
MO5.25 HP2600FX 2.3GB MO disc
2.6GB MO disc
3480 4480 3480 Cartridges 3480
M2483B (Fujitsu) 3480 Cartridges 3480
M2483H (Fujitsu) 3480 Cartridges 3480