2-64 Operating Tasks 600716 Rev A
The valid states for media in the FileServ system include the
State Description
Protect Reserved for read-only operations.
Unprotect Available for read and write operations.
Available Error free and resident in the storage
Unavailable Not used because it is removed from the
storage subsystem or has extensive errors.
Suspect A read/write or position error occurred with
that media in a drive.
Unsuspect Free from errors and problems.
Unmark Media is error free and not designated for any
copy or check-out operations.
Mark An error has occurred in the handling of
media, or there were read or write errors, or it
is marked for copy or checkout operations.
To cancel a Mark Status of Error or Checkout
action, change media to unmark. These are
the only states against which the unmark
state can be applied.
Noerr The noerr state resets the threshold count to
0 for the media. If any SER values are
exceeded during a read or write request, the
threshold count is incriminated. Cumulative
threshold errors indicate that a problem may
exist with the media or the drive. Examine the
system logs to aid in determining the source of
the error.