2-46 Operating Tasks 600716 Rev A
Retrieve Files
Files that reside only on media are retrieved to disk when
accessed by the user during usual operations. Files can also be
fsretrieve command. The
fsretrieve command requires the name of each file to be
retrieved. Multiple files can be retrieved with the same
However, if these files reside on different file systems, the
command will either retrieve the files that are the most
numerous, or the files that are listed first in the
command. The command will not retrieve files from both
If a file is retrieved to a new file name, the new file name must
be valid, and the user must have access to the directory. If the
file exists, the user must also have access to the file. The group
assigned to this new file is the primary group of the user who
initiates the
fsretrieve command.
For example, if the user belongs to the groups FileServ,
sysadm,andsw respectively, all files retrieved to disk from
media are in the
FileServ group. The UNIX permissions for
the new file are determined by the current
umask of the user. If
a failure occurs when retrieving a file to a new file name, the
incomplete file with the new file name is not removed from
disk. The user can delete the new file name or re-retrieve the
file to the same new file name.
For more information on the fsretrieve command, refer to
the Command Reference book.