Administrative Tasks
4-26 Trouble- shooting Tools 600716 Rev A
Step 2. Or, run the fshistrpt command with the -h
option for a component history report. An example
of the output is shown below:
To view a snapshot of current device states in the storage
systems, follow the steps below:
Step 1. Run the
fschstate command without any options
to generate a report that shows all storage
subsystems and the state of FileServ.
Step 2. Use other appropriate options as needed. For
command information, refer to the Command
Reference book.
% fshistrpt -h V0, 10, V0, 11, V0, 12, V0, 13, V0, 203
Component History Report Tue AUG 24 10:42:48 1998
Component ID Status Change Date/Time Media In Use
V0,203 OFFLINE AUG 3 10:40:02
V0,12 ONLINE AUG 3 10:50:40
V0,10 ONLINE AUG 3 10:54:30
V0,10 ONLINE AUG 3 10:54:30
V0,30 ONLINE AUG 3 10:04:20
V0,10 IN USE AUG 3