Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-41
System Tasks
The following list shows the system parameters that are to be
established at the time of system installation. Use the FileServ
installation script for this purpose.
As a general rule, do not modify these rules unless the system is
completely reinitialized and reinstalled.
VS_PROGRAM_NUMBER XXXXXXX If enabled, the VolServ program number to
be used by this FileServ system. To disable,
comment out the parameter.
VS_DEF_QUANTITY 99 Default media quantity for entry/exit port
operations. (Range 1-99)
VS_DEFAULT_DRIVEPOOL fs_F0drivepool Default VolServ drive pool used for retrieves.
This drive pool contains all
FileServ-configured drive components.This
drive pool is used for media with no
DataClass group. Defined in terms of
VS_DIR XXXXXXX This parameter should point to the VolServ
environment for the fspic utility to run
Parameter Default Definition
Parameter Default Definition
FileServ_LICENSE_STRING FileServ license string.
FS_ADMIN_DAEMON_ID 2 FileServ daemon number (0-3) used for
administrative activities.
FS_DATA_DAEMON_ID 3 FileServ daemon number (0-3) used for
data activities.