Administrative Tasks
600716 Rev A System Tasks 1-35
System Tasks
20 Threshold value when equalled or
exceeded results in drives being
taken offline.
FS_MAX_FILES_PR_3480 2000 Maximum number of files allowed on
a single 3480 cartridge tape.
95 Percentage value used to check
against to determine if media can be
File Copy Block Factors device-dependent Size of the following blocks is a
calculated optimum for each device
FS_DISK_BLOCK_FACTOR 10 Number of disk blocks used per
transfer when reading/writing the
disk. Parameter is normally
commented out. Use this parameter
with systems that have limited
memory. System performance is
degraded during file copies. Contact
technical support before activating.
FS_TAPE_BLOCK_FACTOR 1 Number of tape blocks used per
transfer when reading/writing a tape.
Parameter is normally commented
out. Use this parameter with
systems that have limited memory.
System performance is degraded
during file copies. Contact technical
support before activating.
4 Number of 2150 blocks used per
transfer when reading/writing the
2150. Parameter is normally
commented out. Use this parameter
with systems that have limited
memory. System performance is
degraded during file copies. Contact
technical support before activating
Parameter Default Definition