81 Additional options
Setting up reverberation
Setting up reverberation
The Reverb Time screen is used to change or view your reverberation settings.
The steps below outline how to change the parameters. Please review Table 6-1:
“Reverb time set-up options” for an explanation of parameters
1. From the start screen, select Setup (by using Arrows) & press .
2. Select Options menu (by using Arrows) and press .
3. Select Reverb Time (by using Arrows) and press .
4. In the Reverb Time screen to change the settings, follow below:
• To change the Method field, press to switch between
“Interrupted” or “Impulse” (when Method is selected).
• To change the Averaging field, press to switch between
“Measurement” or “Ensemble” (when Averaging is selected).
• To change the Threshold, press . Press to toggle between
“Auto” or a “dB” level value. To change the dB level, press
Arrows to a specific decibel level is selected (i.e., 80 dB) (when
Threshold is selected).
• To change the Measure field, press to toggle between “Auto” or
an “RT” value is selected (when Measure is selected). To change,
press Arrows to a specific decibel level is selected (i.e., 80
dB) (when Threshold is selected).
• To change the Filters field, press to switch between “1/1” or
“1/3” (when Filters is selected).
Figure 6-3: Reverb Time Setup screen
a. Method field
b. Averaging field
c. Threshold field
d. Measure field