STI-PA results screens
Viewing Past Measurements
This chapter explains how to view your past sessions and studies. It will also
explain how to rename your sessions/studies and how to clear/reset the data
on the memory card.
A session file is automatically created when you begin the first study in that
session. It contains the following types of information, as applicable:
• Measurements - Measurements for each study in the session and
overall measurements for the session.
• Run times - Run time for each study in the session and overall for the
session. If back-erasing was used for a study (“Back-erasing”), the run
time for that study will be reduced by the duration of the back-erased
• Analysis type - The analysis type selection, if available in your
instrument, that applied when the measurements were made.
• Calibrations - If performed, Pre-Calibration results for the session and
Post-Calibration results for studies in the session.
• Logged data - Stored with the session if the instrument contains the
logging option and logging was enabled for at least one measurement.
• Parameters - All user-adjustable settings in setup screens that are
involved in the data processing that leads to the measurements.
• Instrument settings - All user-adjustable settings in setup screens that
affect the operation of the instrument, but not including those in the Time-
Date, Sig. Input and Battery Check screens.
File directories
Files on the memory card are stored in directories. Session files are