61 Calibrate
Calibration screen
3M recommends calibrating your Verifier before you run a STI-PA
measurement and after to ensure highly accurate measurement results.
The microphone should be calibrated before use for a number of reasons.
First, the microphone is sensitive to humidity and pressure changes.
Calibrating before taking measurements assures that your level
measurements are accurate for the current environment. Performing a
calibration verification (post-cal) allows you to verify that conditions have not
significantly affected your readings.
Calibrating also serves the dual purpose of checking the microphone for
significant damage, such as a torn or contaminated diaphragm.
You can calibrate the instrument in the field with reference to the output of a
calibrated sound source. 3M offers a line of acoustic calibrators that are
available (such as the QC10/20).
Calibration screen
The Calibration screen contains a calibration option, called Calibrate, and a
Calibration History. The history shows Pre-Calibration (Pre-Cal) and Post-
Calibration (Post-Cal) results for previous calibrations, as applicable. For
each calibration type, the resulting SPL level is shown along with the time
and the date of the calibration.
The main reason to calibrate is to adjust the current microphone reading to
match a reference input, usually provided by a calibrator.
A Pre-Calibration is conducted when the session is stopped. When you
calibrate during a stopped session, the new calibration results replace the
previous Pre-Calibration results and the Post-Calibration results are
removed. You will always see the last Pre- Calibration results.
A post-cal is really a calibration verification; that is, it does not change the
instrument’s calibration. It compares the microphone's current level with the
value read from the last calibration (assuming that the same source is used).
A Post-Calibration is a calibration done during a session pause. When you