77 Additional options
RT60, Curves, and STI-PA
Additional options
In this chapter, it is important to note that these features are additional add-on
options and may not be available on your SoundPro model unless you
specifically purchased these features.
Please see 3M’s website 3m.com/detection for more information:
• Reverberation
• Curves
Reverberation is the distribution of sound in an enclosed space after the sound is
removed or decayed. How is reverberation, or reverb, created in enclosed spaces? A
sound is generated in an enclosed structure with a combination of the direct sound
source (which travels from the sound source to listener by the shortest path without
interfering with room surfaces) and the reflected indirect sound source. The total
sound source echoes and decays as the sound is absorbed by the materials in the
room (i.e., walls, carpet, furniture, concrete, etc...) and air. This is noticeable when the
sound source stops but the reflections continue, decreasing in amplitude, until they
can no longer be heard.