94 Audiometric background curves
Setting up audiometric background curves
Audiometric background curves
The SoundPro SE/DL series supports the following two types of audiometric
test room sound level curves:
• Audiometric Test Room Background Sound Level Curves (OSHA)
which compares the ambient noise readings to the maximum
permissible ambient noise levels (MPANLs) at 500 Hz, 1K, 4K, 8K as
specified by the OSHA Hearing Conservation Amendment (1983).
• Audiometric Test Room Background Sound Level Curves (ANSI)
which compares the ambient noise to selectable criterions specified
in ANSI S3.1-1999 and allows for a variety of audiometric earphones
using 1/1 and 1/3 octave band analysis.
Setting up audiometric background curves
For set-up parameters, it is recommended to set Meter 1 to Slow Response,
Z-Weighting, and measurement to Leq before you run your study.
Additionally, the measurement type should be set to 1/1 octave for OSHA
audiometric testing and should be set to 1/1 or 1/3 octave for ANSI
audiometric testing. The steps below detail the procedures.
Setting up audiometric background curves and measurement parameters
1. From the start screen, select either 1/1 octave or 1/3 octave for the
measurement type. (Repeatedly press first softkey.)
Figure 6-14: 1/1 or 1/3 octave measurement type for audiometric testing
Selecting measurement type
Press first softkey until 1/1 or
1/3 is selected