Appendix A
denser (200 volts must be set to “On”). Use for general, higher-level, free-
field measurements.
QE4150 - Free-field, Class/Type 1 (optional) ½-inch diameter (.52"), con-
denser (200 volts must be set to “On”). Use for general free-field measure-
QE4170 - Pressure, Class/Type 1 (optional), 1-inch diameter (.938"), con-
denser (200 volts must be set to “On”). Use for coupler measurements, audi-
ometer calibration, low-frequency measurements, low level measurements
(due to low noise floor) or as a laboratory standard.
Free- Field Free- Field Free- Field
Free- Field Free- Field
Frequency response
(± 2 dB)
8 Hz to 20 kHz 20 Hz to 17
20 Hz to
5 Hz to 20
0 0 - 10 0 -1
Mic range dBA min.
27 27 60 37 27 23
12 15 6.5 18 18 60
AC/DC outputs
Connector - One 3.5 mm stereo plug connector for both AC and DC outputs.
AC output ~ Meter 1 output, and includes the frequency response setting for
that meter. The AC output is affected by the instrument’s range setting.
DC output - Meter 1 output, and includes the effects of the time response
and frequency weighing for the meter.