1 Models and options
Octave bands
The SoundPro SE and DL series of sound level meters (SLM) from 3M are advanced
instruments with highly adaptable characteristics. This manual explains the features
and functions of all models in the series and points out distinctions between the
Models and options
There are twelve models in the SoundPro SE and DL series. The differences between
models are accounted for by three primary characteristics: accuracy of measurement,
frequency resolution, and the types of data stored. The table in Figure 1-1
summarizes the characteristics of all twelve models and includes add-on features for
Reverberation, Speech Intelligibility and Acoustic Spectral Curves.
Figure 1-1: SoundPro Models SE and DL and Option 1 and Option 2
Class/Type 2
Class/Type 1
Summary and
Statistical Data
Time History
1/1 Octave RTA
1/3 Octave RTA
SoundPro SE 1/1 Octave RTA
SoundPro SE 1/1 & 1/3 Octave RTA
SoundPro SE Sound Level Meter
SoundPro SE 1/1 Octave RTA
SoundPro SE 1/1 & 1/3 Octave RTA
SoundPro DL Datalogging SLM
SoundPro DL 1/1 Octave Datalogging RTA
SoundPro DL 1/1 & 1/3 Octave Datalogging RTA
SoundPro DL Datalogging SLM
SoundPro DL 1/1 Datalogging RTA
SoundPro DL 1/1 & 1/3 Octave Datalogging RTA
Compatible with the following models:
Speech Intelligibility (STI-PA) and
SP-SE-2-1/1 SP-SE-2-1/3 SP-SE-1-1/1 SP-SE-1-1/3
SP-DL-2-1/1 SP-DL-2-1/3 SP-DL-1-1/1 SP-DL-1-1/3
Speech Intelligibility (STI-PA) with
accessories and Acoustic Spectral
SP-SE-2-1/1 SP-SE-2-1/3 SP-SE-1-1/1 SP-SE-1-1/3
SP-DL-2-1/1 SP-DL-2-1/3 SP-DL-1-1/1 SP-DL-1-1/3
Reverberation measurement and RT60
analysis (part number: 053-768)
(SoundPro SE and DL models with 1/1 and/ or 1/3 only) includes:
●SP-SE-2-1/1 SP-SE-2-1/3 SP-SE-1-1/1 SP-SE-1-1/3
SP-DL-2-1/1 SP-DL-2-1/3 SP-DL-1-1/1 SP-DL-1-1/3