∗ The titles given inside the components are the names of the terminals (terminal codes) and are not treated as being
2005 CAMRY (EWD586U)
The following abbreviations are used in this manual.
A/C = Air Conditioning
A/T = Automatic Transaxle
ABS = Anti–Lock Brake System
ACIS = Acoustic Control Induction System
ACM = Active Control Engine Mount
AICV = Air Intake Control Valve
EC = Electrochromic
ECU = Electronic Control Unit
ESA = Electronic Spark Advance
EVAP = Evaporative Emission
FL = Fusible Link
J/B = Junction Block
LH = Left–Hand
M/T = Manual Transaxle
O/D = Overdrive
R/B = Relay Block
RH = Right–Hand
SFI = Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection
SRS = Supplemental Restraint System
SW = Switch
TEMP. = Temperature
TRAC = Traction Control
TVIP = TOYOTA Vehicle Intrusion Protection
VSC = Vehicle Stability Control
VSV = Vacuum Switching Valve
VVT = Variable Valve Timing
w/ = With
w/o = Without