Thales Navigation iCGRS GPS Receiver User Manual

80 SporTrak Color GPS Mapping Receiver
Upload Region: Make sure that the SporTrak is turned on and click on the
“Upload Regions” button. You will be given the option of Upload
to GPS Unit, Upload to SD Card Programmer or Store on Hard Drive.
Select Upload to GPS Unit and press “Next”.
MapSend will then poll the COM ports looking for the SporTrak receiver.
When the COM port has been found, it will be indicated on the PC
screen. Press “Next”.
The map region will be uploaded to your SporTrak receiver. Now using
the SporTrak, go to the Map screen and zoom out over the area on the
map where you have uploaded the region. Once you have zoomed out far
enough, you will see the outline of a box. This box represents the region
that you just uploaded. This portion of the map now has detailed street
and points of interest information.