Teledyne HFM-I-405 Automobile Parts User Manual

172-082010_400 I Series Software Page 25 of 35
write G14= 0(cr) or *[aa]G14= 0(cr)
This is a binary value that alerts the processor when the mass flow unit is a standard
volumetric unit (1) that requires a reference temperature for definition or if the flow
unit is a direct mass or molar unit (0) which does not require a reference temperature.
Thermal mass flow meters report a flow that is proportional to the number of
molecules passing through the units. Normally a mass unit is defined as the number of
molecules that are required to fill a specific volume to atmospheric pressure at a given
reference temperature. If a unit of this type is being used as the flow unit then the
reference temperature must be used in the flow measurement and this item must be
enabled. See G19 below.
item 16: Unknown1:
Reserved for future use
item 17: unknown2:
Reserved for future use
item 19: ref temp:
read G19(cr) or *[aa]G19(cr)
Sample reply: 0.00(cr)>
write G19= 21.1(cr) or *[aa]G14= 21.1(cr)
This is applicable only if G15 is enabled. This is temperature that is used when a
volumetric unit is being defined as a mass unit. The temperature must be in °C. This
is N/A if the current flow unit is a direct mass such as grams or molar unit. This
temperature is not the temperature that existed in the laboratory during calibration.
Changing this will affect the calibration.
2.6. Valve list (Controller versions only)
V d [=n] Set/read flow control data items by item code d. The blank spaces are not
necessary and are ignored. The commands may be received in upper case or lower case. In
RS485 mode the “S” command must be preceded by an asterisk* and the address(macid).
V [d](cr) or *[aa]V [d](cr)
VL List all valve control data items, values and units
VL(cr) or *[aa]VL(cr)
Valve item number list
item 1: MFC mode:
item 2: MFC config:
item 3: valve posn:
item 4: netwk setpt:
item 5: netwk setpt:
item 6: analog setpt:
item 7: analog setpt:
item 8: impl setpt:
item 9: impl setpt:
item 10: cntrlld var:
item 11: cntrlld var: