172-082010_400 I Series Software Page 11 of 35
2. Commands
2.1. Flow reading
F read current flow rate. This command may be received in upper case or lower case. In
RS485 mode the “F” command must be preceded by an asterisk* and the address(macid). The
flow command reports the flow rate in the flow units chosen in the gas record (G7).
read F(cr) or *[aa]F(cr)
Sample reply: 121.32(cr)>
F1 streaming report of the flow rate. This command may be received in upper case or
lower case. In RS485 mode the “F1” command must be preceded by an asterisk* and the
address(macid). The flow command reports the flow rate in the flow units chosen in the gas
record (G7) in a continuous manner. The flow meter will continuously report the measured
flow readings until it receives an F0 command. This is useful when data logging a transitory
flow change or to plot a flow oscillation.
read F1(cr) or *[aa]F1(cr)
Sample reply:
F0 stop streaming report. This command may be received in upper case or lower case. In
RS485 mode the “F0” command must be preceded by an asterisk* and the address(macid). The
flow command will halt the continuous output of the flow reading. It has no effect if the
streaming function has not been previously enabled.
2.2. Sensor List
S d [=n] Set/read system/sensor data items by item code d. The blank spaces are not
necessary and are ignored. The commands may be received in upper case or lower case. In
RS485 mode the “S” command must be preceded by an asterisk* and the address(macid).
S [d](cr) or *[aa]S [d](cr)
SL List all system/sensor data items, values and units
SL(cr) or *[aa]SL(cr)
Sensor item number list
item 1 :model
item 2 :mfm config
item 3 :port rate
item 3 :port type
item 5 :macid
item 6 :active gas inst
item 7 :flow alarm enable