Teledyne HFM-I-405 Automobile Parts User Manual

172-082010_400 I Series Software Page 13 of 35
Sample reply: HFC-I-401 v1.38(cr)>
This identifies the instrument as a 400 series and gives the version of the firmware
currently loaded into memory.
item 2 :mfm config:
read S2(cr) or *[aa]S2(cr)
Sample reply: xFC57(cr)>
write S2=xdddd(cr) or *[aa]S2=xdddd(cr)
msb lsb
15 0
The MFM Configuration Word selects or enables various instrument features as
described below.
Settings are nonvolatile.
bit 15 (msb): Set if enable high and low flow rate alarms are enabled, cleared
bit 14: Set if enable high and low flow rate warnings enabled, cleared otherwise.
bit 13: Set to enable AutoZero capability. Clear to disable. If set Autozero action will
rezero the instrument approximately 3 minutes after receiving a command to
shut the valve. (flow controllers only)
bit 12: Set if Verbose replies is active. Cleared otherwise
bit 11: Set to enable tracking error alarm, clear to disable. (flow controllers only).
bit 10: Set to enable tracking error warning, clear to disable. (flow controllers only).
bit 9: Set to enable prefixing of state mnemonic to network command prompt
bit 8: Set to append value units to command response strings irrespective of case of
letters in command line
bit 7: Set to prepend data item descriptions to command response strings
bit 6-0: Reserved.
item 3 :port rate:
read S3(cr) or *[aa]S3(cr)
Sample reply: 19200 BPS(cr)>
write S3=ddddd(cr) or *[aa]S3=dddd(cr)
This reads or sets the baud rate of the serial port when the baud rate jumper is not
installed. Baud rates of 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 and 115200 bits
per second are supported. If an unsupported baud rate is selected the instrument will
default to 19200 baud. There is a jumper on the processor board which will force the
instrument to use 9600 baud while the jumper is active (over two pins). This will allow
the user to establish communications when the baud rate is unknown. A different baud
rate can be selected with this S3 command and the instrument will return to this baud
rate when the jumper is removed.
item 4 :port type: (read only)
read S4(cr) or *[aa]S4(cr)
Sample reply: RS232:DUPLEX(cr)>