key with the screen keyboard to scroll back through
the course name and edit it. After renaming the
course, select “RECORD” with the right soft key to
save the changes.
7.3 Create a New Course
Creating a new course map works just like the edit
process in Chapter 6.2, except the Edit Screen is
blank when you start. By following the steps below,
you can create your own custom layout for any hole
on a new course. You can only view a new course
using the “Hole-Info” screen and you must be on the
course to map the targets.
7.3.1 Name the New Course
To create a new course, select “MY COURSE” from
the “MAIN” screen and press “MORE” with the
right soft key and select “NEW” from the pop-up
list to view the keyboard screen. Enter a new course
name using the 5-way key to scroll the keyboard