Notice: If you leave your radio or other accessories
on during the jump starting procedure, they could
be damaged. The repairs would not be covered
by your warranty. Always turn off your radio and
other accessories when jump starting your vehicle.
3. Turn off the ignition on both vehicles. Unplug
unnecessary accessories plugged into the cigarette
lighter or the accessory power outlet. Turn off
the radio and all lamps that are not needed. This
will avoid sparks and help save both batteries.
And it could save the radio!
4. Open the hood on the other vehicle and locate the
positive (+) and negative (−) terminal locations on
that vehicle.
Open the hood on your vehicle and find the remote
positive (+) and remote negative (−) jump starting
A. Remote Positive
B. Remote Negative
A vehicle that has the 2.2L L4 engine, the remote
positive (+) terminal is located in the engine
compartment on the driver’s side of the vehicle,
on the underhood fuse block. See Engine
Compartment Overview on page 5-12 for more
information on location.
Access the remote positive (+) terminal by removing
the fuse block cover.
The remote negative (−) terminal is the lift hook,
which is located towards the rear of the engine
on the driver’s side.
2.2L L4 Engine